Monday, 4 April 2011

A Day Indoors

Well who'd believe it?  4th April and it snowed ALL DAY!  nothing for it than to put the fire on, and the radio and get down to some creating.  It all started fairly well.  I made a video tutorial making paper flowers for a book sculpture...but then it all started to go to rats :(  Try as I might i could not work out how to upload to my laptop.  I have a MAC and whenever I connect my camera it automatically opens in IPhoto.  Fine for very short videos, done those before, however 600MB didn't want to play at all.  I tried closing IPhoto and looking for my camera as a device but no matter where I looked on the hard drive I couldn't find it.  So in the end I gave up and  took stills and sequenced them in Photoshop!  Then I turned my attention to the making of the wedding ring cushion that had been floating around in my head for days, the one to match the bridal purse I made on Saturday.  This, thankfully, went well and ta da!  Here it is

I also managed to almost complete a sweet midnight blue devore velvet evening purse which will be on my bag page soon!


  1. More snow?! Poor you. April showers here.

    Spent hours driving through The Fens yesterday. Boy is that landscape boring - bet it's prettier where you are!

  2. That's so pretty Ro!

    We have unseasonable sunshine here - will post you some ;)


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