That just about sums up how I feel this morning! Day One of
Big Dreams Small Wonders and I'm feeling really fired up! Isn't it a great feeling, when you give yourself permission to do something, make the time and then actually do it? As you are all probably tired of hearing I have this craft fair coming up and I set myself the goal of producing two bags per day until Easter. As usual there are days when I procrastinate and I don't meet this target, then I give myself a hard time, which usually results in getting even less done the next day because I decide the answer is to give myself a break (literally) and not be so hard on myself! Good technique eh? Tried and Tested!
However I won a place on this course, and that to me is a HUGE opportunity and not one to be wasted. so this morning I got up at 6 am with Lovely Man (he went off to work at 6.30) and allowed myself until 8 am to check in with BDSW, do the coursework and blog. I now have fifteen minutes left and I have completed what I set out to do. Oh and how good does that feel? Blimmin' Great!
So here are my notes for Week One, Day One. Setting the scene as it were and my overall intentions.
Four years ago I had a dream to emigrate from the UK to Canada. I wanted to live in a small community way out of the city and most importantly I wanted to write that book I’d always wanted to write, to follow my passion for art and craft and to be able to make enough money that I wouldn’t have to work for someone else five days a week. I’m half way there in that I got to Canada, to the small community way up in Northern Ontario. Now it is time to bring the second half of the dream to fruition and that is where I am struggling. Partly due to lack of confidence and fear, I find that I am putting things off, being half hearted and generally being ‘fluffy’!
By joining this course I hope to be able to share my fears, gain insight and support from others and also to offer support and encouragement to others based on my experiences thus far. By the end of the six weeks I would like to feel as determined, confident and focused as I did when it all started four years ago.
I expect from myself commitment first and foremost, to schedule in time everyday to check in and work through the course, and to banish any avoidance ‘techniques’ that I am so skilled at practicing! From myself and from everyone, kindness and honesty.
My overall intention throughout the course is to believe in myself again and to at least give my dream my very best shot whilst I have this chance.
So there we are! I have put it out there! It is in the Universe, and in Blogland, so no going back now!
And so now I have ten minutes left to hop over to Facebook and check in with my FB friends before showering and then it's off to my trusty sewing machine. When the allotted two bags are complete I will pamper myself with the treat of preparing the front and back cover of my journal for this course and set up a little corner where I can sit quietly and meditate each day, a practice that I used to uphold but has sadly fallen by the wayside of late! Have a great day everyone... and follow your dreams wherever they take you today!