Sunday, 6 November 2011

Oooh More Pillows!

Oh my goodness I'm hooked on pillows.  Everyone these days seems to be making pillow covers from cable knit sweaters and I just simply had to have a go!  I only had a pink sweater handy and didn't think it would go with everything but I figured as I got it for free if it didn't go in the lounge it could go somewhere and would be good practice.  I have also been keen to have a go at making ruffles having seen so many beautiful creations with those on too.  I checked out online how to make a ruffle and it was amazingly easy!  I just hemmed both edges in the normal way and then set the machine to the longest stitch length and sewed down the centre!  Then very carefully I pulled the thread and gathered the fabric up!

Et voila!
And best of all it actually goes pretty nicely with the butterfly cushions I made...all I need now is a nice new couch!  I am in the process of crocheting a flower to go on it as well but I can't read my own shorthand so will have to watch the video tutorial again cos I got halfway through and then things started to look very strange indeed!

So far this week I have managed to get two more aprons finished for one customer and have two more almost finished for other orders.  Then all I need to do is make up some bags for another customer who has been oh so very patient, a few card orders and then it's time to make some stuff for me.

1 comment:

  1. Love the new pillow. From what I can see of your couch it looks like the one I used to have. My you have been very busy. The aprons are sure to please.


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